Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effects on having a broken family in education Essay

INTRODUCTION Background of the study Family is the basic unit of society. It is one of the most essential component of a nation. A home is where a family lives. It may be alternated to the word ‘house’ but a house is more appropriately referring to the material structure, whereas ‘home’ refers to the intangible things that bind together the family members. It is the immeasurable love and care that keeps together the mother, father and their children (Beckford 2010). Children  from broken families are nearly five times more likely to suffer mental troubles than those whose parents stay together. According to Dounghty, (2008), it also showed that two parents are much better than one if children are to avoid slipping into emotional distress and anti-social behavior and also looked at conduct disorders which result in aggressive, violent or anti-social behavior. Children whose parents split in this generation are more than four and a half times more-likely to have developed an emotional disorder than one whose parents stayed together. Several findings said that children’s family backgrounds are as important – if not more so – than whether their home is poor, workless, has bad health, or has no one with any educational qualifications. The effects, however, are more focused on the children. Premarital sexual activities is one of the major effects of splitting of families, sometimes with only one parent guiding, the child has more chance of rebelling against his/her parent. Also, increase in financial problem, hatred and anger builds up from families who experience distraught in their relationships. Education is also an area wherein stark differences in the outcomes for those who had been in a broken home are created. According to Lann (2010) for 18- to 24-year-olds, 62 per cent of those who experienced parental divorce/separation during their childhood completed 12 years of education compared with 77 per cent of those whose parents did not. Hence, this study was conducted in the College of Computing Education Department in University of Mindanao in order to evaluate the effects and to determine what student do to lessen the suffering of having a broken family, and how to overcome the effects on their academic performance. Statement of the Problem Theoretical Framework The concept of effects of having a broken family. According to glenn (2010) broken family varies from numerous reasons why it had to be that way. But usually, misunderstanding starts from simple domestic quarrel that grows impertinently damaging the long-forged relationship between the family  members. When a couple split up, it is the children that are greatly affected scarring them physically, emotionally and socially. Marla (2014) says broken family students failed to handle the curriculum. This failure includes various aspects of educational failure such as rebellion, frequent absence from classes, dropping out and many more. Studies have shown that people shown that people with academic failure are more probable to rebel and use drugs at older ages; therefore, academic failure and dropout might result to rebellion, drug, and alcohol addictions. Living in single parent is difficult because there’s a need of love, care, and fulfilment of the duty of both parents. If the role of each parent is broken it will damage and have a great impact to the student, on how will the student live with it. If one of the parent will left due of miss understanding circumstances and will lead to divorce households and responsibilities there is an effect to the relationship to other member of family. If that’s the case, it will depend to the children and parent who take care of the child if managing a households and responsibilities will reflect a positive or negative outcomes in their situation. Conceptual framework Significance of the Study The results of this study is beneficial to the students who encounter this situation and for those who criticize and oppress them in terms of bullying, and for teachers to understand the problems that each student facing in their daily lives and to determine a better solution or comfort for those students encountering who have been in burden and advices from those who have suffered but found a way to lessen the burden. It could also help the society to have a better understanding on the norm who are suffering from a broken family Scope and Limitations The study will be concentrated on the students of the College of Computing Education Department. The data will be gathered using questionnaire method and will be conducted at The University of Mindanao Matina Campus, Davao City. The questioning will be performed on the convenience of the students.  The respondents will be chosen according to the referrals of the previous respondent. It is also limited because of the sensitiveness and confidentiality of our respondents. Operational Definition of Terms Family – a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation. Household – consists of one or more people who live in the same dwelling and also share at meals or living accommodation, and may consist of a single family or some other grouping of people. Broken Families – a broken family consists of a biological family that has separated for specific reasons that may result in single-parent families, stepfamilies or blended families.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Activity Based Costing Essay

Activity based costing (ABC) is a relative new way to allocate costs to specific processes and services. This system assures that the costs are accurately distributed to the products or services that generated them. ABC illustrates costs more accurately, giving management insight to the cost associated with certain business activities. ABC extends the decision-making skills of management by expanding on traditional costing (job order costing/process order costing) techniques. However, since ABC’s introduction in the 1980’s, many corporations are not using ABC, despite gained managerial decision making capabilities. Even by the mid-1990s, ABC’s use has not spread throughout the accounting industry and its use is not obvious (Selto & Jasinski, 1996). The following article will discuss the pros and cons of the ABC method. ABC is an extension of traditional product costing techniques. These techniques are called job order costing and process order costing. A job order costing system arranges costs for each unit as it goes through a production process. A process cost system collects costs in work in progress account. The numbers of units worked are recorded for the accounting period. These systems alone do not accurately illustrate costs incurred. Instead, these two costing techniques generally lump costs into 3 main categories (cost centers). These three categories are direct materials, direct labor and overhead. Cost drivers are then assigned to represent the relationship between the cost and the process it is allocated to. ABC provides a better map of the costs of manufacturing products or distributing services. ABC uses a multitude of activity centers, which are the equivalent to the previously mentioned traditional cost centers. Each of these activity centers has its own cost driver and driver rate. ABC identifies many different costs to products by adjusting the cost driver and driver rates to specific activity centers. This process avoids across the board allocations of cost. For example, a product, which takes up .03% of space in the warehouse, would require .03% cost absorbed by product sales revenue. If the depreciation unit requires 5% cost to replace equipment at a latter date, 5% is the driver rate for that particular product. Unit, batch  and product level costs can be determined with ABC. The following steps can summarize the ABC process. The first step is to identify the activities that consume resources and allocate costs to those activities. For example, purchasing materials, record keeping, labor, materials, miles driven, machine hours and number of customers served are activities, which consume resources and needs costs to be assigned to them. The second step is to distinguish the cost drivers that are related to each activity. For example, if machine hours an activity used in the process, then the number of hours used in production of one unit would be the particular cost driver rate. The last step is to allocate costs to products by multiplying the cost driver rate by the number of cost driver units consumed by the process. There are many inherent strengths in the ABC model. The ABC model allows costs to be allocated to many different activity centers. Few corporations can focus on undifferentiated product lines and be successful. Having multiple product lines means the company has multiple cost drivers associated with each different product line. ABC is helpful in selecting which products are successful and which ones should be eliminated. Accurate cost information is key in determining the actual costs of frequent product changes. This cost is important because costs can be a good indicator of the justification or termination of varying product lines. Product lines have become more complex. Product lines of past were much simpler. For example, the Model T Ford came in one style and one color, black. Today, Ford cars have many different colors and styles. These different styles all have different cost drivers and activity centers. ABC illuminates hidden costs when high volume sales are not present and product differentiation is. This is advantageous because unprofitable lines can be replaced with lines that are profitable. Not many years ago, labor comprised 25 to 50 percent of a product’s cost. However, since the 1960s, labor is increasingly less involved in the  production process. For example, the textile industry replaced 100-year old shuttle looms for European air-jet looms, doubling output with less labor. In steel, the Nucor corporation used continuous casting machines to yield labor costs of $60/ton verses traditional steel’s $130/ton. Labor cost today is infrequently the driving force behind costs it was during the development period of cost accounting (1930’s). Instead, indirect costs have replaced labor as the dominant portion of costs for some products (Kelly, 1991). To use labor as the major basis for allocating as job costing or process costing accounting does, may lead to inaccurate decisions by management. The accounting profession has largely overlooked ABC. Among reasons cited for low adoption were employee resistance and the organizational changes essential with the use of ABC (Ness & Cucuzza, 1995). Some trace the source of hindered adoption of ABC to technical as well as cultural issues. Others feel that ABC would be more widespread in industry if it were marketed better by the accounts themselves (Brausch, 1992). There are several reasons for ABC low adoption rate. Complexity is an obstacle to implementing ABC. ABC requires detailed records of the costs associated with producing products and services as compared to traditional methods. This detailed record keeping requires more effort from the accountants and is more time consuming. The complexity of ABC can contribute to more errors. ABC can require more time to check and recheck to uncover errors. ABC generally requires more effort on the part of the accountant verses traditional methods and reduces the adoption rate of ABC. Another reason for not using ABC is the increased economies of scale. Many corporations are standardizing their products to reduce the costs to manufacture them. For example, Coca-Cola distributes its products in many different countries. The product varies very little in respect to packaging and manufacturing. Traditional methods of accounting can assign costs more easily, quickly and accurately for those products that have little or no product variation. ABC is a valuable tool in calculating the costs of producing varying product  lines. These differing product lines require more extensive accounting practices than traditional costing methods provide. The information obtained from ABC can help promote product lines that managers feel are profitable between those which should be eliminated. Labor is less frequently the major ingredient in the production process. ABC addresses this concern by examining and illustrating the overhead costs associated with particular activity centers. ABC describes these over head costs more accurately and is beneficial when increasingly more complex manufacturing processes are used. Adoption issues should be addressed to implement ABC method when costing decisions matter to managers. Bibliography: ReferencesBrausch, J.M. â€Å"Selling ABC: New Cost Systems Can Flounder if They Are Not Marketed.† Management Accounting, February 1992, pp. 42-46. Geishecker, M.L. â€Å"New Technologies Support ABC. â€Å"Management Accounting, March 1996, pp. 42-48. Kelly, K. â€Å"A Bean-Counter’s Best Friend.† Business Week, October 25, 1991, pp. 42-43. Ness, J.A. and T.G. Cucuzza. â€Å"Tapping the Full Potential of ABC.† Harvard Business Review, July/August 1995, pp. 130-131. Selto, F.H. and D.W. Jasinski. â€Å"ABC and High Technology: A Story with a Moral.† Management Accounting, March 1996, pp. 37-40. 17 Activity based costing Essay Executive Summary This report provides an analysis of Activity Based Costing systems and Conventional Costing systems to determine whether the application of Activity Based Costing concepts would be useful at DBS Consulting Services. A profitability analysis of the two consulting services offered by DBS Consulting Services (e-Commerce Consulting and Information Systems Consulting) was performed using Activity Based Costing and Conventional Costing. Using the conventional costing approach, the overheads of $342,000 were allocated at $129,960 (e-Commerce Consulting) and $212,040 (Information Systems Consulting). Using the Activity Based Costing approach, the overheads of $342,000 were allocated at $107,160 (e-Commerce Consulting) and $234,840 (Information Systems Consulting). Before implementing an Activity Based Costing system, management needs to assess the problems that the firm is facing so that the Activity Based Costing system can be designed to address those problems. DBS Consulting Services is in a tight local labour market and is having difficulty finding quality staff. It was found that E-Commerce Consulting Services provided a higher income per billings percentage than that of Information Systems Consulting Services (19% vs. 3%) under the Activity Based Costing approach. E-Commerce Consulting Services provided the higher return per sales dollar. These results would suggest that the professionals at DBS Consulting Services need to spend more time in e-Commerce. The success of failure of Activity Based Costing approach is determined by the reactions of the people who develop and use the system. An Activity Based Costing system can be costly and time consuming to  implement and maintain, it requires extensive training, expertise and information. However, the benefits of Activity Based Costing systems, being improved cost accuracy and assisting management with decision making, outweigh these costs. Introduction It is said that Activity Based Costing can result in improved costing accuracy when compared with Conventional Costing procedures. Arguments to support this claim are that companies who adopt Activity Based Costing are not limited to a single cost driver when having to allocate costs to their products and activities. Activity Based Costing allows companies to use non-unit cost drivers as well as unit cost drivers to allocate costs. Also, because use differs significantly amongst activities, no single cost driver can accurately assign costs for all activities whereas Activity Based Costing takes advantage of multiple cost drivers, not just a single cost driver. Arguments against this claim are that service industries often have higher levels of facility costs which mean fewer costs will be included in the Activity Based Costing system. Service industries also have a lot of non-repetitive activities which make it difficult to identify an individual activity to assign a cost driver to. Both the conventional costing system and the Activity Based Costing system calculate the cost of a product or service in relation to the revenue it generates. However, the conventional costing system assigns manufacturing overheads based on a volume-based cost driver, and Activity Based Costing systems assign the manufacturing and non-manufacturing overheads based on the activities required to produce the item. Part 3 Case Analysis Report – DBS Consulting Services (cont.) The Conventional Costing System Conventional costing approaches assume that manufacturing overhead costs are related to the volume of production which is usually measured by input measures such as direct labour hours or direct machine hours. The features of a conventional costing system are: Direct material and direct labour costs are traced to products Manufacturing overheads are assigned to products based on a pre-determined overhead rate The manufacturing overhead rate is calculated using a volume-based cost driver Non-manufacturing costs are not assigned to products The advantages of using a conventional costing system are: They are aligned with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) They are simpler than Activity Based Costing systems and easier to implement The disadvantages of a conventional costing system are: They are not as accurate as Activity Based Costing systems They can result in under-costing and over-costing of products They can lead to poor management decisions as non-manufacturing costs are excluded The Activity Based Costing System Activity Based Costing systems allocate manufacturing and non-manufacturing costs to a product based on the activities required to produce the item. Activity Based Costing systems calculate the cost of individual activities and then assign those costs to cost objects, such as outputs, based on the activities required to produce them. Activity Based Costing systems can be used to estimate the cost a product and also as a tool for management to monitor and control what is happening in the business by analysing the activity costs, the root causes of activities, the value of to the customer and measures of performance. The advantages of Activity Based Costing systems are: They provide a more accurate cost of products Manufacturing and non-manufacturing costs are included in the calculation They provide a greater understanding of overhead costs The disadvantages of Activity Based Costing systems are: Information can be misinterpreted by some users They can be costly to implement and maintain They involve major changes in data collection and analysis which can be challenging and also cause resistance amongst employees Current System at DBS Consulting Services Currently at DBS Consulting Services our administration costs (overheads) are allocated to both consulting services (e-Commerce and Information Systems) based on billable hours. The following analysis presents the profitability of the firm’s e-Commerce and Information Systems consulting services using Conventional Costing procedures and Activity Based Costing. Part 3 Case Analysis Report – DBS Consulting Services (cont.) Conventional Costing Procedures: Part 3 Case Analysis Report – DBS Consulting Services (cont.) Activity Based Costing Procedures: Analysis: Activity-based costing procedures result in a significant increase in the overhead costs allocated to Information Systems Consulting and a significant decrease in the overhead costs allocated to e-Commerce Consulting. The conventional costing procedures allocate overheads based on billable hours which results in 38% of overhead costs being allocated to e-Commerce Consulting (=1900 billable hours for e-Commerce / 5000 total billable hours), and 62% to Information Systems Consulting (=3100 billable hours for Information Systems / 5000 total billable hours). However Activity Based Costing shows that the overhead percentage allocations vary for each activity as summarised below. Part 3 Case Analysis Report – DBS Consulting Services (cont.) The e-Commerce Consulting services are allocated less overhead costs using Activity Based Costing when compared to the conventional costing approach. Using the conventional costing approach, $342,000 is allocated at $129,960 (e-Commerce Consulting) and $212,040 (Information Systems Consulting). Using the Activity Based Costing approach, $342,000 is allocated at $107,160 (e-Commerce Consulting) and $234,840 (Information Systems Consulting). E-Commerce Consulting Services provides a higher income per billings percentage than that of Information Systems Consulting Services (19% vs. 3%) under the Activity Based Costing approach. This shows that although both services are charged out at the same rate, and the labour rate for both services are the same, e-Commerce Consulting Services provides the higher return per sales dollar. By adopting the Activity Based Costing approach we can determine a more accurate method of allocating overhead costs to our services which in turn will provide more accurate profit analysis of each service. This will help to increase customer and shareholder value. Summary Given the very tight local labour market and the fact that it is difficult to find quality staff it would not be desirable for an aggressive expansion of either consulting service regardless of the fact that both generate a profit. If we opt to expand either service this would mean having to hire more qualified staff, which as mentioned above, is difficult in today’s competitive market. Before implementing an Activity Based Costing system, the following factors need to be considered: Management needs to show conviction that the benefits of the system will outweigh the costs Management and staff need to understand what Activity Based Costing is and how it can help the firm The requirement of resources to implement Activity Based Costing need to be considered Concerns about the resistance to change factors need to be addressed The success of failure of Activity Based Costing approach is determined by the reactions of the people who develop and use the system. Resistance to change can impede implementation, therefore in order to succeed, there must be a plan in place that is carefully thought out to take into account the factors above as well as determining the extent of change required and the different personalities involved. Employees should be encouraged to play a major role in developing and using the Activity Based Costing system to give them a sense of ownership and help them to view the system as a tool to help them manage their work. In conclusion, an Activity Based Costing system can be costly and time consuming to implement and maintain, it requires extensive training, expertise and information. However, the benefits of Activity Based Costing on improved cost accuracy and assisting management with decision making outweigh these costs. Part 3 Case Analysis Report – DBS Consulting Services (cont.) References Langfield-Smith, K., Thorne, H., & Hilton, R. (2012). Management accounting: Information for creating and managing value (6th edition). North Ryde, NSW, Australia: McGraw-Hill. Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. (2013.). Managerial Accounting,v.1.0. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from http:/ Johnson, R. (n.d.). Traditional Costing Vs. Activity-Based Costing. Retrieved April 1, 2014 from http:/ Wilkinson, J. (July 23, 2013). Activity-based Costing (ABC) vs Traditional Costing. Retrieved April 1, 2014 from http:/ Marx, C. (n.d.). Activity Based Costing (ABC) And Traditional Costing Systems. Retrieved April 4, 2014 from http:/ Keshav. (n.d). Advantages And Disadvantages of Activity-Based Costing (ABC). Retrieved April 1, 2014 from http:/ Delaware Technical Community College. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2014 from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Costing and Traditional Costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Costing and Traditional Costing - Essay Example Activity based costing affects only overhead costs i.e. direct labour and direct materials are the same under Absorption Costing Method. A single activity pool of cost is referred to as a â€Å"cost bucket† where cost outlays for a specific activity are garnered. A measure for an activity is applied as a basis for allocation while using overhead costs. A rate of activity rate refers to the predetermined rate of overhead in Activity based costing. Activities’ Hierarchy: Guides the way costs are supposed to be grouped into various pools as well as the nature activities assigned per given cost pool Unit-level activities – done every moment a unit is produced. Batch- level activities – performed each time a batch is processed. Product- level activities – must be done regardless of the number units or batches of the output are being manufactured. Facility-level activities- have to be done regardless of the products to be produced. Task 1 Full costing and Activity based costing A) Calculations using Full costing Revenue and direct costs of products Skel Foss Total Units produced and sold 15000 units 18000 units 33000 Selling price/unit 52 91 Direct labour cost/unit (2hrs*10=20) (5hrs*10=50) Direct Material cost/unit 25 30 Sales revenue (1*2) 780000 1638000 2418000 Direct labour cost (1*3) 300000 900000 1200000 Direct Materials cost (1*4) 375000 540000 915000 Total direct cost (6+7) 675000 1440000 2115000 Calculations on Overheads and indirect costs. Indirect component Products (Skel + Foss) % of Total products Bought in parts handling costs 96000 40% Materials handling costs 38000 15.83% Sales invoicing costs 20000 8.33% Machine set up costs 26000 10.84% All other overheads 60000 25%... The paper tells that costs objects take in activities and activities take in resources. Resource cost outlays are allocated to activities based upon their utilisation of the mentioned resources, while activity cost outlays are allocated to cost outputs with the basis being cost objects in proportion to utilisation of those activities. Activity based costing puts into account causal relationship between costs and activities and between activities and resources. Using activity based costing management technique can considerably improve the financial health of a firm as it presents the real picture or the factsheet, as the activity based costing technique tracks the cost objects utilized in the activities and, thus, the factors consumed in the same activities, to determine correct individual overheads instead of simply linking on the volume. The activity based costing concept as a costing technique takes into consideration both factors. That is, the activity drivers as well as the resou rce drivers to come up with the product’s price or service. It is essential to realize that the profitability of a firm not only relies on the sales of the service or product, but also on the expenses concerned in the making of that specific service or product. In a given case study of parts of an automotive manufacturing firm located in the nation by the name Norway, it was then proven that just a minute portion of their line of products had a positive economic profit as well as return upon sales. As a matter of fact when the economic profit and operational profitability of their line of products were classified and columned side by side, that was an eye opener.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cross-Cultural Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cross-Cultural Management - Essay Example The management practices at EZ-ABC are authoritative and do not motivate employees towards achievement of the organizational goals. The national culture of Korea is characterized by high power differences and high uncertainty avoidance. Korean culture is masculine and values collectivism unlike Canadian culture which appreciates individualism and autonomy in work. . Cross-cultural management Introduction Case study analysis The practices are not geared at fair compensation for all employees since a city tax deduction which is discriminatory and illegal is included in the employees’ salaries. The management practices aim at exploiting employees since a majority are foreigners. EZ-ABC does not allow employees to design their own lesson plans or interact with fellow employees during work. Sandy who is Australian woman with a doctorate in education leadership is authoritative and does not delegate some jobs to subordinates since she is in control of every decision in the school (F itzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). Lee who is a retired military man in charge of the local branch of EZ-ABC in Kangman district believes that higher salaries are the only motivating factor for employees (Fitzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). The management practices encourage competition among employees since those who receive low ratings are fired. The school norm does not allow teachers to share experiences or form informal groups. Ian who is an American teacher is forced to sign a document which will lead to his ultimate dismissal even if he is late again for one minute. Sandy is interested in furthering her own objectives of designing her own curriculum in order to run an ESL school once the curriculum is popular across the EZ-ABC chain (Fitzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). EZ-ABC policy prohibits discussion of pay among co-workers and Visa and apartment lease is tied to employer. If an employee is interested leaving the job, a letter of release must be granted by the employer which many employers are reluctant to offer (Fitzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). Evaluation of management practices of EZ-ABC using motivation theories and cultural dimensions There are two broad categories of motivation theories that are the content theories and process theories. According to content theories, the unsatisfied needs of individuals will create tension. Maslow’s theory of motivation asserts that individuals are motivated by satisfying their needs in a hierarchy (Bhattacharyya, 2010). The first needs that should be satisfied are the physiological needs which include food and shelter. The second needs include safety. EZ-ABC has not provided safety needs since employees need security of tenure in their work. The third class of needs is the sense of belonging which is not available in EZ-ABC since employees need to feel loved and appreciated by forming both formal and informal groups in the workplace. The fourth category is self-esteem needs. The employees at EZ-ABC have no self-esteem since the y are not happy with the current management practices. The highest hierarchy is self-actualization. For instance, Sandy has failed to attain this need since Lee has rejected the curriculum designed by Sandy. According to McClelland’s theory, employees need a sense achievement, affiliation and power in order to be motivated in their work. Some employees who need achievement may strive for personal success. For instance, Lee and Sandy are in need of power dominance and achievement which makes them take control of every decision in the organization. EZ-ABC should fulfill the employees need for affiliation and need of collective achievement in the school (Bhattacharyya, 2010). Process theories of motivation deal with the choices made by employees in their behaviors. Examples of these theories include equity

Mine water and mine waste management Assignment

Mine water and mine waste management - Assignment Example ocess of applications: 1) that water is sliced off from a natural resource to become part of the working process in mining operations, and to also provide fresh water to the crew; and 2) that natural water resources must be diverted away from the area in order to continue providing clean and environmentally safe resources to surrounding towns and to the natural habitat (Watson & Furey, 2013). Diversion channels assist above ground to moving stream and lake waters away from mining operations. At the same time, channel infrastructures must also be designed to isolate water at the mine from one process to the next one, whether the water is to be cleaned or else mixed with waste (rock and tailings), or used in another part of the mining process. This chapter reviews the components of mine water and mine waste as part of the waste management infrastructure. The following image shows the management design layout for the separations of solid waste on the one side, and mine water drainage on the other side, particular to a copper mine operation (Mining Profile, 2012). In the mining industry, the term â€Å"waste,† as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, is based on the specific circumstances of causation and in what part of the management process. In some cases, â€Å"waste† is not really a waste, based on the RCRA, such as when considering mine water or process wastewater, which is controlled by permit through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) (Mining Profile, 2012). Mine water, therefore, does not fall under the RCRA regulations. 1.1.a. Waste Rock refers to both â€Å"overburden† and mine development rock which is removed from underground mines in order to access the bodies of ore located underneath. There is none, or very little of, recoverable mineral value in either type. As waste rock is susceptible to air and water, once hauled to disposal dumps, potentially, there will be oxygen and sulphide minerals

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Law for Licensed Premises Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Law for Licensed Premises - Assignment Example Liquor licenses refer to license issued to different types of premises to sell to authorize them sell alcohol to the public. It is under the regulation of Northern Ireland and is applicable to twelve types of premises (Hutter, 2011). The applicant of liquor license should deposit the application form to the court and ascertain they are qualified to hold liquor licenses and that the premises are suitable for the sale of alcohol. These are; hotels, off-licenses, guest houses, pubs, higher education institutions, restaurants, non-sea-going vessels, conference centres, indoor arenas, refreshment rooms available in public transport facilities, seamen’s canteens and places of public entertainment (Crown, 2018). The licensing laws imposes penalty to license holders for the breach of licensing requirements, the licensee, should have age checking policy to prohibit people of underage from taking alcohol and request for display of documents appropriate to prove the age and PSNI can with draw the license if the premise owners engage in activities that deem to encourage excessive drinking (Crown, 2013). Apart from the liquor policies the following activities will require the operator to acquire a license before they are authorized to sell conduct those activities. These include dancing facilities, live music, theatre performance, dance, showing film, making music facilities, indoor sporting event, selling food and beverages between 11pm and 5am and boxing or wrestling (Martin, 2006).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Canterbury Tales - The Pardoner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Canterbury Tales - The Pardoner - Essay Example They help to take a lot of people to holy places that have been made through the events that have been taking place in those places in the footsteps of those individuals who have gone before them or the presence of shrines or relics of the holy individuals. Pardoner giving his tricks of the trade in most of his works, for example, he explains to the pilgrims the major cause of most evils. This expression forms the key theme that he uses most of the time while preaching so as to understand better and loosen the purse strings of most of his audiences. On arrival to town, Pardoner demonstrates some of the relics and their curative traits some of which appeared to be fake though he does not appear to be caring a bit. In most of his preaching, Pardoner struggles to ensure that most of the pilgrims learn to understand that he only work through preaching to earn more money thus he does not hesitate to take money even from the poor widows. He often praises himself that he is a good speaker through tossing some English and Latin phrases to make things sink in the people a bit and in most cases he uses biblical philosophies to look more serious.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 11

Report - Essay Example wending duck is a side channel of the river Wensum in the United Kingdom, and the water comes from Chalk rocks. there is also east Dereham treatment works next to it. East Dereham treatment works releases water straight into wending duck (see figure 1).(booklet). 2-Biological sampling: by measuring the macroinvertebrate animal community over a period of time, and with this method water quality is assessed by two measurements: 1) Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP); this method measure the biological quality of the river using a different type of macroinvertebrates as indicators. (booklet). The principle of this method is different macroinvertebrate have different potential of pollution. Tertiary treatment: this is the final step, ultra violet and a thin membrane are used to remove bacteria and virus from the treatment process, and this water made for another purpose than drinking such as washing clothes,irrigation and toilets.( By using a measurement tape across the River to find out the width of the river that has been divided into four sections. After dividing the river, a meter stick was used to find out the depth of the river in each section. All of the results were recorded in the results section. Dissolved oxygen and temperature were measured by oxygen meter "Do2 meter." A rope of 5 meters was placed on the surface of the river to calculate the velocity of the stream. A stick was thrown into the river from the beginning of the 5 meters rope while the stopwatch was turned on to calculate the time when the stick was traveling next to the rope till the end of the 5 meters rope. This method have been done twice We used benthic kick sample to measure

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Biologic Manufacturing and the FDA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biologic Manufacturing and the FDA - Essay Example Biologics combined with radioactive components are considered biologics, while biologics combined with non-radioactive components are drugs. While most analyses of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) focus on the agency's authority to decide which new treatments reach the American marketplace, the FDA plays a regulatory gatekeeper role at another key point in the biological development process. In reviewing investigational new drug applications (INDs), the FDA determines which experimental therapies, vaccines, and other biological products advance from preclinical through clinical development to the licensing phase (Mark). Biopharmaceuticals are licensed under Section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (Mark)and in specific sections of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. To obtain marketing approval for a new biologic, an applicant submits a biologics license application (BLA) (Koan and Ellis). The BLA must permit agency reviewers to make four principal determinations: The growth media falls under Federal food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the act) and hence, controlled by the same, specifically, if the media is derived from any protein, a label stating the possibility of the media as an allergen should be stated.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Hegemony In The Current World Order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hegemony In The Current World Order - Essay Example According to the Marxist philosophy, hegemony embodies manipulation instincts that adopts a superior dictum of not only the cultural belief system, values and perceptions, but also imposes a particular worldview as a universal ideology that justifies a socio-political and economic course as natural, inevitable, perpetual and more so beneficial to all (Bullock and Trombley, 1999, pp. 387-88). In other words, hegemony is a process that inculcates ideals of the hegemon into the undertaking of the subordinates via the social channels such as educational publications, advertising, and, if need be, through mobilization to subdue any possible opposition. In the 21st century, economic liberalism–the belief in globalization and the relative effectiveness of private enterprises are certainly well-orchestrated ideals of capitalism that have fought communism right into oblivion. Equally prominent alongside the above capitalistic ideals are the standards of western civilization that compri ses of the greater awareness of human rights and a heightened cognizance of the moral responsibility as the bedrock of accountable governance. Hegemony as a concept frequently features in scholarly analysis of power relations in international politics, particularly how a dominant power [state] ought to deal with a second tier states rapidly growing influence in the international arena and the subsequent antagonistic hegemonic ambitions that ensue thereof. There is a wide consensus among theorists of international relations (IR) that such scenarios necessitate the formation of alliances in order to neutralize [balance] any possible stronger wave-challenges from the seemingly ambitious state(s), protect the existing status quo control of a dominant power, and so to the survival of the second tier powers that may feel threatened by the new power game. Kenneth Waltz argues that in an international system with no overarching government that is strong enough to enforce laws, balancing is often the immediate remedy induced by the system (1979, pp. 125–6).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Deer Hunt Essay Example for Free

Deer Hunt Essay It is 5:30 am on opening morning of deer hunting season and my alarm explodes into a racket that would wake an army. I roll out of bed and rub the sleep from my eyes. I only slept six hours last night because my family and I were preparing for the hunt, getting the guns ready and laying out our orange clothes. As I begin to get dressed, the smell of fresh pancakes wakes me up. It is at this time I realize the season is upon us. Since January I have been waiting for this day to come. Today begins the annual nine day season that brings our family together each November. After stumbling down upstairs I go to the computer and turn on Da Yoopers’ â€Å"Da Turdy Point Buck†, the song our family must listen to before we head out the door and into the woods. With the song blaring through the house, I walk into my brother’s room, turn the lights on, rip the covers from his bed, and narrowly escape a swift kick from his leg. After a breakfast of pancakes my brother and I jump into his truck and head for the hills. We own 120 acres three miles from the house, so we must drive to our destination. Any other morning there would be no vehicles on the road, but this particular morning we pass about ten other trucks all taking their passengers to their particular hunting spots. Three inches of fresh snow fell last night, creating a blanket of freshness that reflects the last rays of moonlight. As we drive into our property we see fresh deer tracks and my heart starts pumping, I have been away from Minnesota for a few months and this morning is the first time I entered these woods since September. A few hundred yards into the woods we see three dear walking the road. They bound off into the darkness in flashes of brown silhouetted by snow. We park the truck and before we shut the engine off Jimmy tells me we will sit until 9:00, then I will walk to where he is sitting, and we will go home. We shut the engine off and do not speak again, for any human noise made will be heard by deer within a quarter mile. Trying to make as little noise as possible I walk to where I will sit. Along the way, I creep over a hill and see four deer. Immediately upon seeing me they streak through the trees; I stop and listen to their feet pounding into the earth, and realize there are many deer in the area and my chances of seeing a deer while sitting will be very good. After 15 minutes of sneaking through the oak and maple trees I find the tree I will sit in. My father set the stand in the tree a few weeks before my arrival. I crawl up and as I sit down it is just getting light in the east. I sit and wait. As it gets lighter and lighter I wait for the first gun-shots of the season, and sure enough, POW. The season has begun. I watch the morning pass by, an occasional raven flies by calling to its family, and all of a sudden something catches my eye. I look to the south and over the top of the hill comes a deer, my first deer of the season. I watch and realize it is a fawn; it is this year’s baby and is bounding over fallen trees and around trees. Right behind is it’s mother, they are running, probably frightened by some other hunter. I sit and watch these two deer trot right by my stand. Then for some unknown reason they stop thirty yards from where I am sitting totally unaware of my presence. They stand there totally alert, occasionally looking from where they came, their coats full of warm brown hair that will protect them from the harsh winter that awaits them. I watch them and I am part of the woods, I have become part of the tree for that moment. After a few moments the doe and fawn bounce away, into the unknown. I spend the next hour watching the woods for movement, looking for the slightest movement that will indicate the presence of some animal, maybe a deer walking through the woods feeding, or maybe a squirrel on its never-ending hunt for food. At 8:45 I get up and walk to my brother, the cold weather has found its way into my body through my many layers of clothes. I walk ever so silently hoping to find a deer over the hill, grazing in the field. I see nothing but when I get to my brother he tells me I drove five deer past his stand. We walk back to the truck and head for home, we didn’t shoot anything this morning but the hunt was a success, we both saw many deer and we were in the woods during the most beautiful part of the day. As we drove through the woods towards home I am totally content, there is nothing more I could have right now, the experience of being in the woods, and my family.

Describing the Social and Cultural Dimensions in My Organization Essay Example for Free

Describing the Social and Cultural Dimensions in My Organization Essay Social and cultural theories strive to explain how people relate to each other and/or the surrounding environment. Organizational culture represents a common perception held by the organization’s member. This was made explicit when we defined culture as a system of shared meaning. Therefore, those individuals with different backgrounds or at different levels in the organization will tend to describe the organization’s culture in similar terms. Most large organizations have a dominant culture and numerous sets of subcultures. A dominant culture expresses the core values that are shared by a majority of the organization’s members. When we talk about an organization’s culture, we are referring to its dominant culture. It is this macro view of culture that gives an organization its distinct personality. Subcultures tend to develop in large organizations to reflect common problems, situations, or experiences that members face. These subcultures are likely to be defined by department designations and geographical separation. The purchasing department, for example, can have a subculture that is uniquely shared by members of that department. It will include the core values of the dominant culture plus additional values unique to members of the purchasing department. Similarly, an office or unit of the organization that is physically separated from the organization’s main operations may take on a different personality. Again, the core values are essentially retained but modified to reflect the separated unit’s distinct situation. If organizations had no dominant culture and were composed only of numerous subcultures, the value of organizational culture as an independent variable would be significantly lessened because there would be no uniformity in the interpretation of the values that represented appropriate and inappropriate behavior. It is the â€Å"shared meaning† aspect of culture that makes it such a potent device for guiding and shaping values in the cultural behavior. But it is not to be ignored that the reality which many organizations contained also has subcultures that can influence the behavior of their members. The field of sociology focuses on cultures that are ethnically or geographically defined. However, the study of any culture is referred to as â€Å"a group of people who work (or play) together and journey towards a shared meaning and assumption†(Griswold, p.133). Griswold (1994) also shared that â€Å"culture† is one of those words that people use all the time but have trouble defining. Peterson (1979) states that when sociologists talk about culture, they usually mean one of four things: norms, values, beliefs, or expressive symbols. Norms are the way people behave in a given society; values are what people hold dear; beliefs are how people think the universe operates and expressive symbols are representations of the culture. Moreover, Lincoln and Kalleberg (1990) hold that â€Å"the quality of relationships between workers and their co-workers is positively associated with commitment and satisfaction.† If the people within a school do not connect and work together toward a common goal or passion, the culture is said to be stagnant or unproductive. Lincoln and Kalleberg provide three models of organizations. The consensus model holds shared goals and values within an organization that are the norm and dissidence is a problem requiring correction. The cleavage model has distinct groups within an organization that have different interests, especially fault lines that exist between job levels. The fragmentation model shows that are riddled with ambiguity where people hold multiple perspectives. It is plausible that most working environment can fall under all three models or have factions of each model within one department. I am now attached with SMK (P) Methodist, Pulau Pinang as an operational clerk. My services here include the basic operation of the school administration and also involved accounting for the staff and stock inventories in the school. I am under the Ministry of Education and the Jabatan Pelajaran Pulau Pinang. My school consists of 42 academic staff, 8 non-academic staff and 640 students. We have a unique ethnic diversity whereby most of the teachers are Chinese, four Indians and ten Malays. The students are also diversified into the three main ethnicity in Malaysia with minimal number of mixed ethnic students. My Principal is a Chinese lady. Her name is Wong Soon Kee. She is a very fierce and strict head of department. I do not have a very close rapport with her. She does not have very much concern for the teachers as well. It has been a very stressful environment for me and most of the staff here. But, the teachers have been very helpful and understanding to me. They are very friendly and accommodative towards me. At the office, there is a typist and a general worker to assist with my work here. This really helps ease my work and release my pressure of working here. My works is about service conformation of the teachers and support workers, prepare salary and pension worksheets and do the necessaries if there is any changes. My work also involved accounting such as preparing the accounts, paying bills, and bookkeeping. Every month, I have to settle the bill and make orders for items needed by the school. Any bills that I received will have to be settled in 2 weeks time which is a very short dateline for me. However, it is the ethics of the Jabatan Pelajaran Pulau Pinang. We have to abide by the rules set by the upper hands. If I have any meeting by the JPN, I will meet up with my friends from other schools. During this time, we will exchange our experiences about work and how to handle certain situations that arise. It is very useful and helped me a lot to improve my performance to do better than before. Every year, auditors from Jabatan Audit Sekolah will come to school to do auditing on the school accounts. They will take a week to check the accounts and identify whether all the transactions are according to the rules or not. Nevertheless, there will never be a session where they had never found any errors. If we had done a lot of errors, our school will be categorized under â€Å"Audit Bersyarat† and the JPN will send us for a course on how to improve our accounting skills to upgrade our performance. With the teachers’ high spirit and determination to guide the students, the PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah/Lower Secondary Assessment) and the SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia/Malaysian Certificate of Education) results are very encouraging. Most of the students show fortitude and willpower be it in their academic or co-curricular activities. All these achievements had helped them to be successful and quite a number of them had furthered their studies abroad. As a conclusion, a social and cultural dimension in an organization is important. It is because, it portrays the relationship between employees in completing their daily tasks and ensuring that the tasks are done well with high quality. Culture Beginnings and the Impact of Founders as Leaders spring from three sources: 1. beliefs, values, and assumptions of founders

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Board Game Company In Singapore Marketing Essay

Board Game Company In Singapore Marketing Essay This business plan is my year 3 third term final project, in fact, has a certain commercial value. It is not allowed to reprint or copy without my consent. Once discover this action, Ill be notified police to dispose. Number of words: 11,485 Student: Mo Xiaoran (0909005722) Date: 15th OCT 2012 Acknowledgement This project could not accomplish without my friends support and encourage, very thankful. Especial thanks my lecturer Miss. Canny Chow, thanks for her support my business idea, and continue to give suggestion for this project. I wish to thank for my parents support and encourage, thank for their educate me and make me success. Thank You Executive Summary This business plan is described how to start-up a board game company in Singapore. This business project is aim at realize that formal procedures of set up a business in Singapore. Which shows at this project divide into seven part, conception of board game company businesses; company product and services description; industry market and competition analysis; market strategy; funding request; pro-forma sale scale and financial plan. Goblin Games LLP focus on provide a good board gaming environment for players, providing a perfect game experience for customers. Let people realize the benefit of board game, and eliminate prejudice of board game culture. According research and analysis, board game industry is an underdevelopment industry in Singapore, thus it is an opportunity for business, this business plan explained how grasp the opportunity and how to use it make a large profit. In this business plan, Goblin Games LLP provides a comparative reality forecast of sales and investment. As a business plan with S$200,000 investment and can gain profit and second year, it is a worthy business plan. This article is a good business guide for entrepreneur. Introduction A board game is a game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or board, according to a set of rules. Many time people have some wrong ideas at the board game, some people think board game is a modern product and will have a negative influence on a certain extent, especially the eldership. It is different with people think, board game originated in earlier time. Board games are very popular around Egypt, Greece and Roman, who have been playing them for thousands of years. In 3000 BC, Egyptians used mud gaming boards to play the games. The discovery of the oldest board games has been recorded in the history.. Certainly, many different nationalities play board games in different way, such as Tabula in Roman Empire, Vikings introduced board game named in 400 AD, and at the follow, in 1100, the popular game Draughts was invented in the France, AD. In 1935, the most popular board game was introduced in United States, called Monopoly, this is most of people know the first board game. In the last few years, board games have gained popularity across the globe. Irrespective of other entertainment means, such as TV and video games, they continue to be popular. Description of Goblin Games LLP 2.1 Goblin Games LLPs Establish As we know, Singapore as a country which has the most floating population (in unit area) and the largest population density. It becomes the center of the international tourism in Southeast Asia. It seems that for various reasons, Singapore has a large potential market of entertainment industry (such as board game industry). On the other hand, comparing with the other Southeast Asia countries, Singapore is considered as a business friendly country. Singapore government provides a lot of preferential policy (taxation etc.) for emerging small enterprise, especially the emerging cultural industries likes board game industry. The rudimentary potential market with government support, Singapore becomes the best choice of Goblin Games LLPs enterprise development. 2.2 Current Status Board game industrys characters (emerging industry, not mass production and operation activities, do not need large-scale raise funds) decided Goblin Games is a new limited liability partnership (LLP) in Singapore market. As a LLP company, GG will own many advantages, for example: Separate Legal Identity, Limited personal liability, perpetual succession and Ease of compliance. All of these will help GGs operation more stable. That the reason why GG register to become LLP. Registration of a new LLP must be submitted online use Biz File, ACRAs electronic filing and information retrieval system. The registration processes are as follow (ACRA): 1) Using the identification number and Singapore pass to login to Biz File and submit your online transaction. 2) Engage the services of a professional firm or a service bureau can help you to submit application online 2.3 Registered Name: Goblin Games limited liability partnership. 2.4 Registered Address: According our fact finding, purchase a company land is unpractical, rent a business place is more suitable. Weighting various factors, Toa Payoh is the best choice of our company. About the reasons, the first, Toa Payoh is a resident activity center which different with Orchard, it is more inclined to populated area. Other industry may prefer to local at commercial center. GG focus on provide a leisure service place and convenient customer consumption. (Registered address: Toa Payoh RMT station, Singapore). 2.5 Vision Statement Lynch, R (2009) explained that the vision statement is a challenging and imaginative picture of the future role and objective of an organization, significantly going beyond its current environment and competitive position. Create entertainment, create life Goblin Games LLP devotes itself to create an unqualified and cleanly game environment, providing a high quality customer services. GG will fight for bring joy for customers. Games are our business and pleasure. 2.6 Mission Statement Generally, the mission statement as a statement should include succinct representation which the organization purpose. The mission of an organization outline the broad directions that it should and will follow and briefly summaries the reasoning and values that lie behind it (Lynch, R. 2009) About Goblin Games LLP, the mission statement is as follow: Goblin Games LLP wants to become a world-class board game company with professional and innovative staff. GG focus on providing the best service and board game environment for Singapore players, for our staff, GG wants to set up a professional management team with the love of board game. GG hopes people are able to gain something that positive and useful in the game. 2.7 Objective of Short/Long Run For long term objective, Goblin Games LLP devotes itself to create a better game environment, for peoples happiness. GGs short term objective is aim to realize the long term objective. We strive to recruit professional and innovative staff, provide a high quality customer services and advertise the true board game culture. The main goals of GG company for the first three years of operation are as follows: First rent a large space about covers an area of 500 square meters nearby Toa Payoh MRT Station, nearby center region Singapore. Require the space is divided into fluctuation two parts. The first floor is designed as board game center, provided for customer play board games and pastime. The second floor will become games workroom, it is designed for our staff work, such as design and transformation board games etc. Recruiting some professional who love board games and have work ethic. Provide professional service for customer to attract more board game player, certainly, our surpassing clients expectation. Development and design one or two board games and receive plays favors in center region even whole Singapore. Absorb 150 members in the first operating year, 400 in the following year and absorb more in the third year. GGs board games appear in other board game bar at second operating year, make the payback period within three years. Become one of the best board game service company with the best reputation in Singapore. Planning expansion board game center business in southern part of Singapore. 2.8 Management Team Jon R. Katzenbach explain that in the best companies, a so-called top team seldom functions as a real team, (Business Leader). Set up a management team has a large necessity, it is central in the concept of leader effectiveness. The management team is the entire work group as a collective, not an aggregate of individuals, limited without in the area of freedom allowed by its position in the organizational hierarchy. Nowadays, the management team is used in the enterprise, no matter the enterprises scale. A smart management team will make some great reward and maximum value. In concrete terms, Thomas,G (2012) expounded that build a management team has many benefits are as follow: The members of an organization will be more identified with the goals of the organization and consider about its success if they join in making decisions about those goals and how to achieve them. Set up a management team gives its members a feeling of greater control over their lives; it frees them from the fear of the leaders arbitrary use of power. When group members join in solving the groups problems, they learn a great deal about the technical complexities of whatever the groups work is; they learn with each other, as well as from the leader. Developing a management team is the best kind of improve staffs abilities. 2.9 Company Director: MR. Mo Xiaoran as the GGs director. ACRA is the only authority of singapore company registered. ACRA rule that the company director must reached the age of 18. Director must be Singapore citizen or Singapore permanent resident or employment pass (EP) holder when the director and shareholder as the same person. The number of director, retirement and reappointment method should be write in to company regulation. Director s responsibilities include make the company decision and negotiations of external activities. 2.10 Company Secretary: MISS. Fish Leong. After the establishment of the company 6 months, company must appoint a legal secretary, her responsibilities include: Timely submit the company act specified in the report and form to commercial note. Take good care of the companys name and meeting record. Where necessary, sign for official contract and the board of director resolution. Ensure that company documents properly covered the company seal. 2.11 Current activities brief summary Basing on the corporations vision and mission, absorb a large number of professional talents, produce a comfortable working environment for staffs, creat more board game for game player. GG not only meet the needs of existing players, but also vigorously promote board game culture to develop more board game players. Striving to let players to experience the game pleasant sensation at the same time, taste to board games excitement and fun, divergent thinking and benefit. Indusrty Analysis 3.1 Board Game Industry All the game company and entertaining services company are belong to entertainment industry. GGs major products are board games and supporting services (Board game center). We perfer GG belong to board game industry. European and American board game industry started early, nowaday, there are some strong industry members, such as Fantasy Flight Games (FFG), Z-Man Games and Hasbro, they are efforts of new entrants to gain a market foothold in Europe and America. In China, there are also have a number of rising board game companies, such Yoka Games and QianZhi, they are promoting the development of Chinese board game industry, but they are not mature enough,most of products are base on Chinese culture. That make the products get into international market will be difficult. In Southeast Asia, the board game industry has just strated, it is an undeveloped market, it is beneficial to GG. 3.2 Porter Five Forces Porters Five Forces model The Porters Five Forces model is defined by David (2009). This model is a widely used approach for developing strategies in many industries. The intensity of competition among firms varies widely across industries. Porter explains there are five forces that impact industry attractiveness and long-term industry profitability. These five forces are: Rivalry among competitors Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Threat of substitute products or services Table 1: GGs Porters Five Forces (Source: Create for this enterprise project) 3.2.1 Rivalry among competitors (Strong) Johnson (2010) explained the strength increases as the number of competitors increases or they become equal in size. Demand for the industrys products declines or industry growth slows. Fixed costs or barriers to leaving the industry are high. The intensity of rivalry between competitors in an industry will depend on: 1) The structure of competition. 2) The structure of industry cost. 3) Degree of differentiation. 4) Switching costs. 5) Strategic objectives. 6) Exit barriers. In Singapore board game industry, the case of Goblin games there is less competition, but in the whole game industry, GG face a strong competition, it depends on the board game facing the impact from video games and computer games. Such as the leader of computer games-EA, Blizzard. Some of people prefer to stay at home and play computer games. There are many traditional electronic game centers in Singaporean shopping center. Some kids prefer to play games which can gain prize. As a new industry, it is obvious that board game industry has a clear market leader. It is an opportunity of GG, but it also let some well-known board game companies strategic objectives aim at Asian board game market. When competitors are pursuing aggressive growth strategies, rivalry is more intense. Facing the strong competition, GG must be implementing more effective strategy. 3.2.2Threat of new entrants (Ordinary) It is a factor that indicates the likelihood of entrants coming into an industry and creating competition for existing companies, new entrant to industry will raise the level of competition. Coulter M (2010) describe that the threats of new entrants depend on the barriers of entry. This risk is lower if there are significant barriers to entering the industry, such as regulation, patents or capital requirements. Threat of new entrants is higher if there is an excessive profit to be earned or entrance barriers are lower. As a matter of fact, set up a board game company is different with banking industry, with no need for too much money like bank, however a good board game company has to allocate a set of equipment. In board game industry, originality is base of work, lots of second class board game company has a few new element when they develop games. Blindly imitation cannot gain the customer groups. Nowadays, the society environments make a lots of people become scholasticism. More and more people do not want to innovate. So if recruit the game designer who has the innovation is the key factor to success. As a company, it is difficult to switch the capital. That means once invest capital into board game industry, it is difficult to switch to another industry, vice versa. According the industry analysis, it easy to find that board game new entrants will face a strong competition in the international market of global scope, and competition will be weaker in Singapore. However the new entrants will face the impact from video games industry at the same time. According the Porter Five Forces model, high production-profitability threshold requirement will decrease the threats of new entrant. The most of board game company founders are the hobby board game enthusiast, the companies are difficult to get government financing, once cannot make profit in short term run or has a low profitability ratio, it will be difficult to business. So in board game industry has a relatively high production-profitability threshold requirement. In board game industry, the main products are all kinds of similar games, Arthur A, John E and A J Strickland (2007) described an important barrier of entry is products differentiated or well-known brand names. In Singapore there are not lots of well-known board game corporation. An overall consideration and rational estimation of GGs threat of new entrants are ordinary. 3.2.3 Bargaining power In a setting where both parties have more or less equal bargaining power, the potential to negotiate a resolution that is acceptable to both parties is usually much easier to accomplish. If the balance of power not be equal, one party will have a decided advantage over the other, and be in a much better position to dictate terms. As a result, the party with less bargaining power often has to settle for less than what he or she desires in order to receive any benefit at all from the transaction. 3.2.4 Bargaining power of buyers (Ordinary) The buyers affect an industry through their ability, such as force prices down, bargain for higher quality or more services, or even play competitors against each other, described by Wheelen and Hunger (2010). In the trading market, business profit is low when the bargaining power of buyers is great, and buyer will spend more on the contrary. There are some key factors which affect the bargaining power of buyers. One is the proportion of consumers and supplier (market purchase quantity), the second is the products standard whether has little differentiation between competing products in the industry, sometime the standard is reflected by product price and quality. The third impact factor is whether the industry is key supplying group for buyers. For example, in the case that there are relatively few suppliers of goods or services, and each supplier provides good or services at price are similar to those by his or her competitors. Buyers power is weak if the industrys products are necessaries. Board game industry faces different area will get different result by buyers power. For example, in somewhere that board game into peoples life and the board game industry are strong. That means customer has more choice when face different products. They will choose to buy the cheaper one with better services, so the corporations which have no market and popularity need to reduce the products price and provide better service. In this case, the buyers bargaining power is strong. As we know, Singapores board game industry is a fledging industry. Most board game customers are foreign holiday tourists. According to the characteristics of the most visitors, they dont care about the games expenditure if these games are good enough to attract them. In a general way, people are difficult to impact the products price in an emerging industry with a few competitors, but the most of older generation do not accept game culture. GG must do some promotion through underselling, provide professional guide the new customers and so on. That means GGs board game industry in Singapore will service for customers with a certain extent bargaining power. 3.2.5 Bargaining power of suppliers (Ordinary) Coulter, M (2010) explain that industrys suppliers have bargaining power, they can raise prices or reduce the number of services provided or the quality of products that industry purchases. Except produce board game, GG also operating the game center as a place where gamer play games. It is the main source of income. Most of board game center rely heavily on game company as supplier, the supplier has a lots of stabilized buyer and master the high bargaining power. For Goblin Games, its supplier is not so important in the future. At the present stage, GGs board game center will buy in some famous games for satisfy customers require, but the key lies in promoting own new games. Because of GG in a fledging period, it will face a certain pressure from suppliers bargaining power. 3.2.6 Threats of substitute products or services (Ordinary) The best of way to evaluate this threat is to see whether there are other industries that can satisfy the consumer need that our industry is satisfying (Coulter. M, 2010). The substitute products are few, the threats will be low. It impacts an industry through price competition. Products from one business can be replaced byproducts from another. Most of board game companies product are produce and issue all kinds of board game, the products in board game industry are similar, the only distinguish method is game category, such as simulation game (SLG), simulation game (SIM) and role playing game (RPG) and so on. But in Singapore people it is difficult to get some famous board game which produced by board game company. The traditional games expenditure is higher than board game, it means that end users have high costs in switching to substitutes, in a certain extent, it reduce the threat. There are lots of substitutes in board game industry, but on account of GG board games special nature, Goblin games avoided the strong threats of substitute products, and the threat is able to further reduce through some special operation. 3.3 SWOT analysis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a method for analysis organizations business, resource and environment (Riley, J 2009). The SWOT analysis is the foundation for developing organizations strategies and tactics and that then help the organizations design business operating plan. The key point about SWOT is that: Strengths and weaknesses Are internal to the business. Relate to the present situation. Opportunities and threats Are external to the business. Relate to changes in the environment which will impact the business. Table 2: GGs SWOT analysis (Source: created for this business plan) 3.3.1 Strengths Goblin Games LLP as a new board game company locate in Singapores residential area. Many people want to play board game to pastime and relax, but do not want to leave far away from home (go to shopping center region). GG board game center is their best choice. GG provide a various services. For our board game products, we offer the online order, and we have professional staff response for customers question on official forum. In GG board game center, we provide all kinds of board games and drinks, snacks (include free and charge). When you feel uncertain on one games rule and game method, we have professional staff help grasp the game as soon as possible, help for a perfect game experience with customers. Have a good management team, will gain a good beginning. Goblin Games pay attention to build and train management team. It most important that management team is fill smart people with clear thinkers, understand what needs to be done, and skills of delivering good results. 3.3.2 Weaknesses Weaknesses are the qualities that prevent us from accomplishing our mission and achieving our full potential. These weaknesses deteriorate influences on the organizational success and growth. Because of GG is a new company, it very difficult to in a market place. Even though, Southeast Asia is underdevelopment market, because of this the well-known board game company will not give up the opportunity. Meanwhile, the well-known brands are more popular in peoples mind. In Singapore, there are several old board game bars. People may prefer to expend in here. People are always habit old things and difficult to accept new one. Apple Inc. is a great company, its products drive some new things appear, such as electronic board game. That true has impact for GG board game centers business, but I believe that people will be more like multiplayer games. 3.3.3 Opportunities Opportunities are presented by the environment within which our organization operates. These arise when an organization can take benefit of conditions in its environment to plan and execute strategies that enable it to become more profitable. Obviously, Singapore is a large potential market for board game industry. In this high-speed operation country, many people may be tired of mechanical life. They do not want to face computer, they are care about the health and interpersonal relationship, GG board game center grasp the opportunity and provide a good place for them. Singapore is a business friendly country, and about new culture industry, the government support emerging industry development (taxation, company registry). 3.3.4 Threats Threats arise when conditions in external environment jeopardize the reliability and profitability of the organizations business. They compound the vulnerability when they relate to the weaknesses. Threats are uncontrollable. Seem from external environment, the threat not only from the same industry, but also come from all kinds of public place entertainment and holiday resort, such as internet bar, cafà © bar and video arcade. Because of the industry category, the barriers of entry are not high, there may arise some competitors will form a strong competition in initial stage. Once that it easy to cause the board game industry become low side industry, it is against GGs profit. Products Services Considering the scale of GGs business, GG will not provide much products at present. About the GGs means of profit divide into two parts, one is issue and sell the board games, we have professional board game designers provide the most original design, then the art directors and product department will show the design to board game players. The other part is operation the board game center, in the board game center, we offer a unlimited place with complete equipment and all kinds of board game for customer, we have professional game instructor to help you to understand the games rule as soon as possible. It a good place to relax yourself, make friends and study. Certainlly, we will purchase many board games from other well-know board game companies at present there are many well-know board game companies, such as Yoka Games (Chinese), Fantasy Flight Game (Roseville, MN, America), Z-Man Games (New York, America), etc. 4.1 Description of Products and Services In this part, we will introduce three board games which offered for customers by Goblin Games LLP Board Game center. SAN GUO SHA (Killers Of The Three Kingdoms) This board game include RPG, reasoning, team, hand management factors. Its the most popular board game in China which created by yoka Game. San Guo Sha blend in history and culture of Chinese the three kingdoms and the characteristics of western killer games. According the players indentity with in a game card form. In the game, the player will act a military commander of three kingdoms, combined with the identity of this round, through round and round of strategy and action, gain the final victory with companions. It is a successful board game which assemble the entertaining, competive, interactive, collaborative as one, and focus on cultural connotations. Carcassonne This is a Germen style board game. Carcassonne is suitable for two to five player play together. Carcassonne was designed by Klaus who won in 2001 the Spiel des Jahres prize. This game will take exercise for peoples managing strategy. Every time in game will emerge different strategy and alliance relation The werewolves of Millers Hollow In a brief, werewolves of Millers Hollow is a KillGame with more factors. It has been nominated for the 2003 Spiel des Jahres award. It is suitable for 8 to 18 players play together. The game mainly composed by the werewolf special villagers and ordinary villagers, the werewolfs goal is to devour all the villagers, the goal of the villagers is to find the hidden werewolf villagers and destroy them through a lot testimony which provide by special villagers with special features for the game. This game will exercise peoples observation and analysis ability. About the source of additional revenue, in GGs board game center we provide all kinds of drinks and snacks for customers. Certainly, GG will self-produce some board games to supply for market. This is GGs second part business, look away from long term profit, it has more market value than board game center. Because of the professional board game developers has in no, result in the technology is immature, we are difficult to issue own board game product at present. 4.2 The Charging Standard of Goblin Games Board Game Center In general, the GGs product and service pricing is base on our labor force and equipment cost. According the most of board game bar or board game centers price and make appropriate adjustment. GG try to echo customers consumption concept, at the same time consider own compitive requirement. Set up the basci charging standard are as follow: Table 3: Board Game Center charging standard (*Note: where ph means per hour, all the GG board game center basic charge base on 1 hour. The vip card means membership card which can provide a discount of basic charge in board game center. GGs membership provides ten percent discount, and once the customers number of consumption to 10 times, the customer will get a luckly chance to gain any one board game product.) Market Competition There are a lot of kinds of methods for analysis market, usually it may take two distinct forms. The first is investors look at the market and decide for make investment decisions, whether it is going down or up. The other is used for marketers, they through analysis the target market of their customer and make decision for improve sales and profitability. Board Game Market Outlook Board game industry as a emerging industry, it bring up a market which different with traditional industry. The market are focus on peoples spiritual life rather than substance. Seen from the outside, the board game market coverage is may not big, and somebody think the board game only has young people customer groups. In fact, board game is suitable of each age group. Nowadays, most of the middle-ageds cricle is small, increasingly, people are lack of communicate skills exercise. In board game, player will meet many stranger with same hobby. Nowadays, peoples quality of life has improve. They will be willing to spend for rich leisure life rathan than stay with computer. Board game is a good idea for them. PESTLE PESTEL Model PESTEL is used to find out the current status and position of an organization or individual in relation to external environment and current role. PESTEL can be used as a basis for future planning and strategic management. PESTEL is one analysis mode of external environment. It covers: Political factor Economic factor Social factor Technological factor Legal factor Environment factor Identifying PESTLE influences is very important in a business plan, it help the manager realize the companys external environment, and adopt some strategy on time. 5.2

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Sisters of Mercy :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Sisters of Mercy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For this assignment, I decided to research the Sisters of Mercy, a Catholic order of nuns.   I never before realized that there is so much behind their amazing devotion to the Catholic Church and God. I must admit that they are beautiful examples of God's teaching, and I feel truly blessed to be involved with the Sisters of Mercy. Each and every one of them has a unique story to tell about her life, but none is more intriguing than that of Sister Mary Joel Hopkinson. Having only heard bits and pieces, and not knowing for sure the steps that each of these women had to take to become who she is today, I asked Sister Mary Joel to share her story with me.    When she was born into a Protestant family in New England, no one could have guessed that Sister Joel would end up becoming a Catholic, let alone a Sister of Mercy. But as it turned out, as Sister Mary Joel Hopkinson says, "There was no way to deny it; this is what God wanted for me." Sister Joel has been a Sister of Mercy for almost fifty years. What is so interesting about her story is that she has been a Catholic for only fifty years. Only a little more than a year after she converted to Catholicism, she found herself looking to enter a convent. She explained that all her life she had had Catholic friends. At one of her jobs, she was the only non-Catholic in the carpool. The Catholic Church intrigued her, and she was of a curious nature, but not until years later did she realize that God was sending her a sign. She puts it rather bluntly when she says, "God pushed me out of the window and into the convent." Sister Joel was not always a businesswoman; in fact, she worke d in a building in Brooklyn, New York, cleaning windows on the second floor. It was a rather old building, and the chains on the windows had been painted over a number of times. Once, while struggling to pull the window down, she lost her footing and fell out the window. The reason she says God pushed her is that the only ambulance on call that day was from St.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Harry Potter is a Classic Essay -- J.K. Rowling

HARRY POTTER—MORE THAN A CONTEMPORARY PHENOMENON What makes a book a classic? What is it about a book that will have generation after generation reading it? English Literature majors could spend hours theorizing the answers to this question. One series of texts that has received publicity and wide-spread acclaim over the past seven years is the Harry Potter collection. J.K. Rowling could never have possibly imagined how her little book about a boy with broken glasses and a scar on his forehead would impact world culture. Yet today, we all discuss the â€Å"Harry Potter phenomenon† and how adults and children alike can enjoy the books. But my question is this: Will Harry Potter become a beloved classic like The Chronicles of Narnia or Great Expectations? Does Harry Potter have what it takes to be worthwhile to teach in schools, or is it just a temporary fad that individuals will look back on and remark: â€Å"Oh yeah, I remember when those books were popular?† The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines â€Å"classic† as â€Å"a work of enduring excellence.† Harry Potter’s popularity has lasted since 1998, when the first book came out. Granted Harry Potter is a series, but seven years is a long time for a book or literary piece to hold an entire world’s attention. American citizens become tired of a television series after only a few months. Though popularity doesn’t equal classic, it doesn’t mean that the Harry Potter series lacks the serious literary elements to be a classic. Shaun Johnson comments: â€Å"I dismissed the validity of said literature based on its resounding popularity. I had also grown cynical about popular culture; it was my understanding that most things therein could only be trusted for false sensationalism and no... ... Marketing and the Translation of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Books.† The Lion and the Unicorn 29.2 (2005): 8 pages. Maughan, Shannon. â€Å"The Harry Potter Halo.† Publisher’s Weekly 246.29 (1999): 4 pages. Minzesheimer, Bob. â€Å"Editors Crown Tolkein Lord of Science Fiction.† USA Today 3 Mar. 2003, sec. Life: 3d. Nikiforuk, Andrew. â€Å"The Real Power of Harry and Frodo.† Canadian Business 76.2 (2003): 2 pages. Radigan, Winifred M. â€Å"Connecting the Generations: Memory, Magic, and Harry Potter.† Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 44.8 (2001): 2 pages. The Harry Potter Series. Advertisement. Multilingual Books. 14 Nov. 2005. http://www. Tucker, Nicholas. â€Å"The Rise and Rise of Harry Potter.† Children’s Literature in Education. 30.4 (1999): 221-35. â€Å"Wizards and Muggles.† Christian Century 116.33 (1999): 1 page.

The Harlem Renaissance Essay -- The Black Intelligencia

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Harlem Renaissance Poets consist of: James Weldon Johnson, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Jean (Eugene) Toomer, Langston Hughes, Sterling Brown, Robert Hayden, and Gwendolyn Brooks. These eight poets contributed to modern day poetry in three ways. One: they all wrote marvelous poems that inspired our poets of modern times. Two: they contributed to literature to let us know what went on in there times, and how much we now have changed. And last but not least they all have written poems that people can sit down and relate to and what people are writing about and take time out to let the people of their families know that they were living in those times. And these people should receive such recognition because of the effort, and the time that was put fourth to doing this great work for the people of their generation and ours.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  James Weldon Johnson, Countee Cullen, Claude Mckay, Jean (Eugene) Tommer, Langston Hughes, Sterling Brown, Robert Hayden, and Gwendolyn Brooks, again, all were very excellent Poets who took pride In what they did, for the people they did it for and for themselves. To be exact, the Harlem Renaissance is a time after the KKK completed their raid of African Americans, when all of the Blacks would get together and have a good time. Whether it was listening to the jazz band play background of a beautiful vocalist, as the people of Harlem danced the night away, or looking at "freestyle" artist paint away. Harlem was always occupied. Each poet wrote very many famous poems that we now read today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What started the renaissance was when the KKK finished the raid in which ended in the early 1900's, because blacks were being terrorized by whites just because of the color of their skin. Eventually the Blacks overcame the racism, although the name calling was still going on the blacks had a good time in spite of the racism, which then became know as the "Harlem Renaissance." These poets became known as Harlem Renaissance poets because of the time period they began to write in, and they became famous fairly quick to be beginners. They were also known as the renaissance poets because of the poems they wrote about being called out of their names, and writing about how they overcame that time in their live, but mainly experiences they had as a juvenile target. These eight poets deserve such recognition because of what they wrote ... ... Harlem Renaissance Poets because I'm very interested in poets, and poetry. It' interest me very much how the Blacks had fun no matter of what they had been through with the KKK, and all the criticism. Everyone has their own way of getting over things, and in this case it's writing down their feelings. So as was once said "good always comes out of bad."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Harlem Renaissance Poets consist of: James Weldon Johnson, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Jean (Eugene) Toomer, Langston Hughes, Sterling Brown, Robert Hayden, and Gwendolyn Brooks. These eight poets contributed to modern day poetry in three ways. One: they all wrote marvelous poems that inspired our poets of modern times. Two: they contributed to literature to let us know what went on in there times, and how much we now have changed. And last but not least they all have written poems that people can sit down and relate to and what people are writing about and take time out to let the people of their familie s know that they were living in those times. And these people should receive such recognition because of the effort, and the time that was put fourth to doing this great work for the people of their generation and ours.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Trends And Issues In Curriculum And Instructions Education Essay

The Jamaican Early Childhood Curriculum was late crafted. The course of study is built on the rule that kids learn best when content from assorted subjects along with accomplishments from the developmental spheres are in line with the kids ‘s holistic position and experience of the universe. The course of study therefore considers larning through drama, sequenced acquisition, single acquisition, the practicians ‘ multiple functions, and inclusion of all scholars and the spheres of development, the acquisition environment, proper appraisal, the function of parents and the function of community ( Davies, 2008 ) . While the course of study addresses assorted aims that need to be met in furthering Early Childhood acquisition and outlines the needed instructions, there are challenges to the execution of the course of study. Broadly talking, these factors are normally internal and external. These factors cut down the effectivity of the course of study and weaken the opportunity of effectual acquisition at the Early Childhood Level. The factors drive a mismatch between the state of affairs that the course of study was designed to aim and the world. This difference causes the existent acquisition result to divert from the intended acquisition result. The course of study is based on an premise that the pupil is runing at a peculiar degree, the pupil ‘s parent and environmental background offer a certain degree of support, and the instructor operates at a certain degree. It is just to believe that this is usually the instance. However, curriculum execution interruptions down whenever these prem ises do non keep. In my position, the internal factors may be best represented by instructors, pupils, school substructure and resources. Teachers are given the primary duty to implement the course of study. A instructor ‘s creativeness, capablenesss and making enables him/her to reassign the content of the course of study in a meaningful manner that will link with the diverse groups of scholars. Harmonizing to Jalongo and Isenberg ( 2012 ) a instructor ‘s cognition of the kids and the content of the course of study will enable him/her to possess the ability to supply for the kids ‘s strengths and failing. The capable instructor will be able to ease the kid ‘s involvement and to develop the cognition, accomplishments, values, and temperaments they will necessitate to go productive members of the society. Jalongo and Isenberg ( 2012 ) postulate that the instructor schemes and program for acquisition is the yarn that weaves the course of study. They refer to this as the â€Å" w hat of learning † , and the â€Å" how of learning † . It ‘s hence, imperative that instructors plan for the pupils ‘ acquisition in order to provide for the diverse acquisition manners in their schoolroom. The methodological analysiss that the instructor employs should suit the pupil ‘s ability to derive cognition and develop the necessary accomplishments. Besides, the instructor should be competent and get acute penetrations on the capablenesss that kids possess in order to provide for holistic development. If this is non achieved, so the execution of the course of study would hold failed. A cardinal ingredient for the successful execution of any course of study is a acute apprehension of the scholar. Jalongo and Isenberg ( 2012 ) postulate that a course of study should concentrate on what a kid knows and can make and what a kid should cognize and can make. Hence the content of the course of study should take into history the demands, involvement, age and phase of development and the societal and cultural context of the kid. The kid as the scholar possesses the ultimate success of the course of study. This takes into history the abilities, accomplishments, background cognition and exposure /experience that the kid acquires before come ining the acquisition environment. Harmonizing to Puckett and Diffily ( 2004 ) being cognizant of the differences in kids ‘s development, strengths and challenges will let course of study contrivers and instructors to be after efficaciously in order to run into each kid ‘s developmental demands. Jalongo and Isenberg ( 2012 ) s tated that a course of study should see the followers ; Child development and acquisition, Child needs, abilities and involvement every bit good as their socio cultural context in which they live. I strongly believe that these factors will enable the instructors to execute efficaciously within the instruction and acquisition environment. The school substructure and resources play a critical function in the bringing of the school ‘s course of study. It is my observation that the size of the pupil population relation to the size and quality of the physical adjustment of a school impacts the quality of course of study execution. Harmonizing to Krogh and Morehouse ( 2008 ) the environment outside the schoolroom should be rich with possible and becomes a valuable multiuse sphere. They besides indicate that the physical environment plays an built-in and critical portion in back uping patterns that encourage high degrees of kid initiated battle and geographic expedition. It is my position that the environment plays a cardinal function in exciting the cognitive procedures required for effectual course of study execution. I believe that the substructure of a school attracts a peculiar socio economic category from within the community. As a consequence, this will find the quality of pupils and instructors who are enrolled in and employed to the school. It besides establishes the quality of course of study execution that will happen. This will drive the resources that these schools are provided with. Greater resources mean that the school is able to properly finance the needed staffing and substructure betterments that facilitate the acquisition procedure. My school is located in the rural country of St. Andrew and its serves kids from low socio economic backgrounds. Therefore, the execution of the course of study faces barriers as the pupils are unable to associate to the information, the instructors have limited educational preparation and the resources are limited to run into the demands of the pupils. This poses a challenge for the course of study to be to the full implemented and for the needed acquisition results to be obtained. In my position, external factors normally include parents, place and community. I believe that these factors are important to the execution of the course of study. Parental engagement is a cardinal determiner to successful academic accomplishment. This sets the foundation of the learning attitude that kids carry to the acquisition environment. Support from parents increases the academic accomplishment in ulterior old ages. Burke ( 2010 ) postulates that a kid whose parents are passionately active and involved in their instruction at an early has a distinguishable advantage when compared to his/her equals. I believe that the engagement of parents facilitates the kid ‘s willingness to appreciate the importance of a solid instruction. This engagement can interrupt or construct the execution of any course of study. In my sentiment, parents are by and large incognizant of the powerful consequence that they have on what and how the content of a course of study is designed and impleme nted. I believe that parents are an indispensable portion of resource edifice. Strong parent instructor associations ( PTAs ) and effectual parental engagement in school disposal goes a far manner in beef uping fund elevation activities and in geting external support in constructing the school substructure. I strongly believe that parents are the first line of support for all kids. They are the primary beginning of socialisation and set the foundation for formal acquisition to take topographic point. The place is the initial environment for optimum nurturing and it ideally creates a sense of belonging. In incorporating parental function in curriculum execution, a â€Å" one-size fits all † attack can non be taken. We have to take into consideration the socio economic position of these parents every bit good as their educational background. The background of these parents, particularly in rural environments, allows for restriction on the input they can offer to the execution of the course of study. Hence, small or no engagement occurs and the inability to keep instructors accountable for hapless course of study execution becomes a major issue. Burke ( 2010 ) provinces that when parents are involved in the educational procedure of their kids, they will be able to include or add ext ra information and penetration from their ain personal experiences to instructors in order to back up their kid ‘s acquisition and development. Community is seen as the secondary beginning of socialisation. When we examine a community, we need to take into history the construction, civilization and socio economic factors that shape the community. Couchenour and Chrisman ( 2011 ) stated that when the cultural background of the community does non fit the cultural and educational context of a school so the academic accomplishment will be affected. This, I believe, is important in the execution of the course of study. In my sentiment, the cultural background of the pupils and the parents may forestall a school from achieving a targeted civilization. The interrelation of the school and the community greatly impacts the accomplishment of the aims of the course of study. Rural communities are mostly comprised of husbandmans and unemployed persons who meagerly get secondary instruction. Urie Brofenbrenner ‘s bioecological theory explains that understanding a kid ‘s development requires us to see the kid in his socio civi lization context that includes household scene, community and the wider society ( as cited in Couchenour and Chrisman, 2011 ) . It is my position that the community plays a critical function in determining the civilization of the school. Depending on the socio economic, civilization, construction and educational factors the execution of the course of study will be extensively affected. In decision, many factors affectA curriculumA execution. It is my position that internal factors such as instructors, pupils, school substructure and resources and external factors such as parents, place and community are critical factors that may present positive and negative effects on the execution of the course of study. At the early childhood degree, the content and aims of the course of study should be centred on the kid ‘s demands and involvement. How we address their demands and involvement is dependent on the instructional aims carried out by the instructor, the handiness of resources and the learning environment of the school. It is my position, hence, that a course of study customization is needed at the Early Childhood degree in order to provide for the different internal and external factors indicated above. A customized design will bring forth effectual, critical and holistic minds within our community and wider society.